About Me

Hey Y'all!

Born an Army brat, my father discharged from the service when I was 10 days old and, as the story is told, I travelled to my home state of Mississippi securely bundled up and tucked into a pink bathtub; riding in the front seat between my mother and grandmother.

I have a Honey Do of a husband, two exceptional children along with their equally special spouses who are all just beginning to put their toes in the water of the big wide world. Add in some cats and a dog and that's my household.

I love to go junkin' , have lunch out with friends, travel, have popcorn and movies on Friday night, read books, eat Tex Mex, and see transformations of people, places or things.

Faith and family are the glue that keeps me together. I love living here in the South. I hope y’all will enjoy seeing it through my eyes as I share with you my life because life here is usually a change of plans.

                                  Thanks for dropping in!
