Sunday, September 30, 2012

My 31 Day Challenge


Last October, I participated for the first time in a blog challenge.  I wrote about 31 drawers in my house that I cleaned out and organized.  (And not to brag or anything, but most of those 31 drawers are still CLEAN! ) If you're really interested in what I had in those drawers, you can read more about them by clicking here.

The idea, of this type of challenge during the month of October, first, began with a group of bloggers, spearheaded by the Nester.  You can read more about her at her site, The Nesting Place, here.

Over 700 bloggers joined in this fun challenge last year.  Each of us wrote every day on a topic that we had chosen.  I really got a kick out of reading the other blogger's posts.  So many talented people doing cool things.  Since it was such a great experience last year, I'm joining in again.   

Confession time-- just between us, okay?  I have books all over my house.  My bookshelves overflow and I have stacks placed around my rooms which I call decorating.  

“A house without books is 
like a room without windows.” 

Since that hoarder show came on tv, my children look at me, every time I bring more books into the house, as if to say  -- mom, you're a hoarder.  Am not.  I still have surfaces left to stack books.  just sayin'.... What I need are more bookshelves, but I digress... I love to read.  I can't remember a day that I couldn't read.   My topic for this year:

I've got some new books, some oldie but goodies, and a bunch in between all picked out to share over the next 31 days.  I hope you will be inspired to read a few yourself.

Day 1

One Thousand Gifts 
by Ann Voskamp

Don't you love the cover?!  Such a gorgeous shot!  The old saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover"  doesn't apply here; judge away.  The writing is as exquisite as the cover.  

"A glowing sun-orb fills an August sky the day this story begins, 
the day I am born, the day I begin to live."

I'm not the type of reader who gives all books 5 stars or thinks the last book they read was the greatest one ever written, but,  this one for me was definitely a 5 star. 

  One Thousand Gifts is a chronicle of the author's journey of becoming more intentional about living her life filled with gratitude.  Ann dared herself to write down one thousand things she loved.  

"This act of naming grace moments, this list of God's gifts, moves beyond the shopping list variety of prayer and into the other side....It really is a dare to name all the ways that God loves me.  The true Love Dare. To move into His presence and listen to His love unending and know the grace uncontainable....The only thing that can change us, the world, is this---all His love."

The chapter on taking the ugly things in our life and transforming them into a prayer of grace dug under my skin.  
"I look for the ugly beautiful, count it as grace, transfigure the mess into joy
 with thanks and eucharisteo leaves the paper, finds way to the eyes, the lips. "  

This book has stayed with me long after I read the last word and closed the cover.
If you would love to read more about Ann Voskamp, you can read her blog here

Ann,  I wish you lived next door.  I would love to have lunch with you.

Happy Reading!


"But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it"  
Ephesians 4:7  NIV Bible


  1. Hi Mimi!
    Followed you over from Nester...happy 31 days! I look forward to this. Loved the Anna Voskamp book, so good. Cheers!

    1. Hi Shannon!
      I'm so glad you dropped by for a visit! Best of luck to you on your 31 day topic! I'll come over for a visit!

  2. Hi! I also found you from the Nester...and am also doing a bookish series! 1000 Gifts is one of my favorites and I'm posting about it Sunday {I think...I can't remember my schedule very well right now!}. I've subscribed to your blog and look forward to your series!

    1. Hi Katie!
      Thanks for visiting! We need to share our book lists : ) I'll definitely check your blog Sunday to see what your favorite line is for 1000 Gifts. Oh and did you notice that Ann Voskamp is 31 Daying with us!!

  3. I love this quote...and I love my books, too! I actually have Ann's book on my bedside table right now. I have piles to read, but am always looking for new ones to read, so I will be following along on your series.

    1. Kristen
      Hi! Thanks for following! I know exactly what you mean about having piles but always looking : )
