Thursday, October 4, 2012

Day 4


In 1997, I was diagnosed with a chronic illness that has caused me to have ongoing fatigue and joint pain.  This book nurtured me, emotionally and spiritually, when I was at my worst.

Rose from Brier 
 Amy Carmichael

Amy Carmichael was a remarkable woman who felt a calling to serve as a missionary.  In 1895, she moved to Tamil Nadu, India to serve.  Her work began with young girls who were forced into serving as Hindu temple prostitutes.  Out of this need, Amy Carmichael founded The Dohnavur Fellowship  which has been a sanctuary for more than one thousand children.

Amy Carmichael suffered with chronic pain that eventually made her bedridden.  Rose From Brier is a collection of her thoughts and writings from a person in pain to another.  She says;

"tracts... written by the well to the ill, to do them good ...only flutter past like ineffective butterflies.   But I found that things written by those who were in pain themselves, or who had passed through pain to peace, like the touch of understanding in a dear human letter, did something that nothing except the words of our eternal Lord could ever do. "

Friends, if you or your loved one suffer with pain, find this book and may it be a balm for your soul.  Amy Carmichael  took her brier and poured it out as a rose for others.  I share her words and book to do the same.

Happy Reading!


" I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.  Like a lily among thorns is my darling among the maidens." 
Song of Songs 2:1,2  NIV Bible

To see my 31 days of Books off my Shelf series from the beginning, click here.

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