Thursday, January 17, 2013

Tears and Rain

Tears and Rain


This week has been a wash for me, literally.  We've had non-stop rain, in fact, another 5.5 inches for a total of 11 inches so far and the rain keeps coming down.  The weather man said the rain might possibly turn to snow in the morning.

I attended the funeral of a friend of 37+ years this week.  He had a love for life, a big bear hug and the light of Christ shone through him.  He chaperoned my youth trips back in the day.  He had been quite sick for some time but the loss is still felt.  I rejoice for him but grieve for his family and myself.

The pastor reminded his sons during the service that their father always asked them two questions when they went out, "Where are you going?" and "Who are you with?".  He said they could know the answer to those two questions with certainty about their father.  He was in heaven and with Jesus. 

The tears coursed down my cheeks like the rain down the windowpanes.  The dreariness of the day only mirrored the sadness in my heart.  Tears and rain have much in common.  We use the same descriptive phrases for each -- i.e. poured down, buckets, trickle--  They wash away but also allow things to grow; things implanted into the soil or the heart.   I intend to allow the memories and the tears to only plant goodness and joy as I celebrate his life and pass the example on.

I sat down at the computer to post about my book list for 2013 but the post evolved and became this memorial as I kept typing.  My sadness, obviously, is still spilling over.  Thank you for allowing me the space to share my heart.



"Do not let your hearts be troubled.  Trust in God; trust also in me.  In my Father's house are many rooms; 
if it were not so, I would have told you.  I am going there to prepare a place for you."  
John 14:1,2  NIV Bible


  1. Thank you for sharing Mimi. Very sorry for your loss. That's a wonderful message the pastor gave.
