Friday, March 15, 2013

Seashell Mirror Project


I have dog eared, ripped out and/or drooled over seashell mirrors in magazines and books for years.  Finally, I have my own.  I can't wait for you to get to the after picture of this project!

I made this mirror specifically to go over the sink in our pool house.  I know that sounds really grandiose to have a pool house, but trust me, this room is only a very, very, small bathroom.   I have to be careful what I put out there because the house is not heated or cooled and shares the space with the pool pump and equipment.  Not to mention, sometimes critters get in there.

I started this project with a thrift store frame.  I think I paid about $1.  I bought one that had a flat surface and then spray painted it white in case some of the frame showed through the shells.

Next, I added the mirror to the frame (with Honey Do's help).   Do you remember the mirror that I had cut for my side table for free?  If you don't, you can see it by clicking here.   This mirror was cut out of the same original piece.  Bonus! I got this piece cut for free, too.  The last step was adding the seashells.  I have been saving seashells from our beach trips for several years for just this purpose.  I used a glue gun to attach them to the frame.
And here is the wonderful after!

I'm including this front view shot so you can see the mirror straight on, but I'm not crazy about the angle or the lighting of the picture.  It's so hard to take a picture of a mirror and not be in the shot!

I think the mirror turned out perfect.  What do you think?  And if you'd really like to see more, you can click here to see the start of our pool house renovation.

I'm also linking up with Jennifer today.  Drop by her site and see all the other wonderful projects! Click here.



"I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore..." Genesis 22:17  NIV Bible

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