Tuesday, September 10, 2013

They've Got the Beat!


I think I'm longing for some cooler weather: hot and sticky today, in the mid-90's.  The leaves are falling off the trees, not because of fall weather, but because they've been burnt to a crisp!

Katie @ Cardigan Way posted one of her Lovely Lines prints today in honor of fall, you can see it here.   They're also available for purchase in addition to other things as part of her [Re]gifted program.  I really admire Katie for her commitment and passion to buy products that help others.  So, do good and check it out!

With school back in session and football season in full swing, the stands are filled with spectators cheering on their teams.  I like watching the game but I can't wait to see the halftime show and the marching band. 

Fall brings out the love for marching band in me.  A little crispness to the weather and the nostalgia for marching band comes rushing back.  I do not miss the sweat and the battle with sweat bees and horseflies during practice nor do I miss getting splinters in my bum from old wooden bleachers but I do miss being on the field and playing.  I have very fond memories ----- some good like winning at competitions and some not so good like playing "Killing Me Softly With His Song" by Roberta Flack about one hundred times, during Homecoming, as the lovely young chosens were introduced.

One part of a marching band's show that I like most is the drumline.   Since the weather is not cooperating,  check out this incredible group of drummers to get into the fall marching band spirit.



"...I will make music to the LORD, the God of Israel.  O LORD, when you went out from Seir, when you marched from the land of Edom, the earth shook, the heavens poured, the clouds poured down water." 
Judges 5:3b,4  NIV Bible


  1. Love it all! And thank you so, SO much for the link love. :)

    I'm a more-or-less retired oboe player, so in high school, I was part of the drum line during "marching season." Fall does bring back some happy memories!

    1. Are you serious??? I KNEW I liked you! I'm an oboe player too! I played flute during high school during marching season and then in college I was on the drum line.

  2. I'm trying to get my drummer-son excited about marching band. He finally got to see a drumline up close when we did color guard for a high school football game with cub scouts recently.

    1. He should love it being a drummer. He would probably love DCI {drum corps international} if you've never heard of it. Try Youtube and search for Phantom Regiment, Santa Clara Vanguard, or the Blue Devils.
