Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Blog Name Change

Blog Name Change



What inspired me to change my blog name? 
I've been thinking about doing this for some time.  Maybe I should've given you a heads up but I changed it on a whim and really didn't expect it to be so easy to do.

Change of Plans fit me in the beginning because it was about being flexible and taking things and making them better --- repurposing thrifted items, decorating and DIY.  I realized pretty quickly however that I couldn't get enough projects done fast enough to hold my interest or anyone else's.  I had long gaps between posts as I was trying to get things done. Consequently, my writing began to be more about what was happening in my life.   I made the final decision to change it during the month of October when I had so much fun working on the book posts.

Why State of Hospitality for the new name?
State of Hospitality is a play on words because I live in the hospitality state and the name also reflects more of who I am as well as who I long to be.

Why am I always tweaking my blog?
1. I like change.
2. I'm a thinker and I'm self analytical.
3. Baby steps... I'm not very skilled in computer and I want to be able to offer my true voice to the few intrepid souls  that stick with me and allow me to grow. *Thanks Honey Do *

This latest change had more to do with my mindset than anything else.  I felt constrained by my self imposed limits to write only about certain things and I felt that I was "failing" my audience by not being true to what I had originally set out to do.  Now,  I will continue to write as I have but in my own mind things will make more sense.   Does this make any sense to anyone other than me ???  Or am I as crazy as I've suspected all along?

Are other exciting changes coming?
Yes! My old name didn't allow me to "brand" my blog because the name was already taken in so many ways.  I had boxed myself in so I couldn't grow in the areas of social media.  With this new name,  I'll be posting links soon to a Facebook page and a Pinterest site.  I hope you will follow me on those formats as well! 
What kind of topics will I be writing on? 
Everything will be free game --- life, faith, decorating, crafting, books, movies, family, travel, cooking, etc... but not necessarily in that order : )

I hope you will continue to drop in from time to time and read all my ramblings.
I really appreciate you!



" All a man's ways seem right to him, but the LORD weighs the heart." 
Proverbs 21:2  NIV Bible


  1. Mimi,
    Glad I stumbled over your new blog. Happy that you will notify me by email.
    Your wisdom brightens my day.
    Sandy Palmer

    1. Thanks Sandy! So glad you're dropping by! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Congrats on the change! I've already switched over my subscription...always love your posts!

  3. So excited for you and your blog rename! I always enjoy your posts! Have a wonderful weekend, friend! :)
