Thursday, November 29, 2012

Pears Podged with Paper

Pears Podged with Paper


For the first Thanksgiving with my children and their new spouses (see here and here  and yes , I'm shameless and proud!)  I wanted to do it up right  with something special for the table. 

Michael's came to my rescue.  I found exactly what I was looking for: paper mache' pears for $1 a piece. The store had pears, apples and cherries but I liked the pears for Thanksgiving. 

To Podge Pears with Paper:
The basic supplies needed are glue, a paint brush, a pear and strips cut from an old book.  Oh, and a movie to watch while you work : )

I like to use the gloss Mod Podge because the result is a shiny finish but you can also use a watered down Elmer's glue or Tacky glue. 

To apply, brush an area of the pear liberally with glue, then place a strip of paper onto the area and then brush glue all over the paper to seal the strip to the pear.  Repeat and repeat and ...

Daughter in law:  "Did you just take a picture of my one painted thumb?"   Guilty!

Once the pear is covered in strips, let it dry for a few hours. I suspended it with a clothespin.

I chose to keep them fairly plain with only a twine bow and a florist leaf so I could use them in many different ways but you could add clear glitter which would be very nice or podge with strips of Christmas wrap.   I would suggest adding a light sprinkling of glitter while the object is wet with Mod Podge.

If you like to cut, glue and paste, you will love this project!



"You did not choose me but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit --- fruit that will last..." 
 John 15:16  NIV Bible


  1. I love these, Mimi!! Thank you for sharing! Also loved looking back at your wedding posts...what an exciting year! (I was also thrilled to see that I have a "sister" in your daughter...I'm a DDD alum! With a very similar picture from my own wedding...)

    1. Thanks Katie! My Catie will love knowing that : ) She has such wonderful friends from DDD and all her bridesmaids were "sisters"
      We have had quite a more ways than I posted!
