Friday, February 22, 2013

Magazine Cookie Monster

Magazine Cookie Monster


I devour magazines.  I'm like the Cookie Monster of magazines.  I tear out pages and gobble up the ideas and store them away for later.  I've been doing it for so long, I don't even remember when I started.  Some pages, I've kept for so long they've yellowed with age.  

I love to read house ( or the more correct moniker --shelter) magazines, in particular.  Designers suggest starting an idea folder as the first step to discovering  your personal decorating style.  You know, those pictures that make you say, " Oh, I love this _________! It's so me!"

Well, I started out with an idea folder which morphed into three idea notebooks. 
1. Things I would love to do
2. Things I can afford to do
3. Things I'm attracted to but aren't my style but might help someone else sometime

Didn't take long and those three notebooks became six.  
4. Overall house designs I love
5. Do It Yourself Ideas
6. Outdoor ideas

Now, add the six notebooks to a huge file box busting at the seams if plastic could bust and you see my problem.

Clearly, I have a problem.  Some might say I have an addiction.  I've passed this magazine cookie monster addiction onto my girl child who loves to do the same thing except she takes her pictures and glues them into notebooks. 

Perhaps, this problem developed from a love of well designed spaces, a love of creativity, a love of the possible and a love of beautiful things to behold.

I'll be working on this problem over the next few weeks trying to clean up my addiction in my pursuit of a clean office.  If you'd like to read about the start of my office clean up, click  here.

Thanks to each and everyone of you for keeping me on track.  Just knowing that I will be held accountable by posting my progress is helping me achieve my goal.  Much thanks!!!



"You shall not covet your neighbor's house.  You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, 
or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey or anything that belongs to your neighbor.
Exodus 20:17 NIV Bible


  1. Pinterest! Also a program my husband found for me is called Evernote and you can put in pictures, links, make notes, it's all very nice. (But I still like the magazines too!)

    1. Hey Shannon! I've never heard of Evernote -- have to check them out! Thanks for the suggestion.
